3 Tiers Into 1, LLC

About 3 Tiers Into 1 was established in September 2016. The company makes a pet furniture business that everyone will love. Everyday pet industry is changing. There are plenty of pet supplies, and one of them is pet food. The company makes furniture around food dispenser, food replenishing, water drink, and store pet items all in one. Imagine how will pet owners be able to store, dispense the food supplies and how will they replenish them; how will their pets eat and drink water without their bowl holders; how are they going to store pet items and be organize; lastly, if the pet owner walks or runs, how can someone grab the leash for their pet even before they walk or run happens. The company makes the Pet Utopia Furniture to solve your need.
12988 W. McDonald Road,
CA, 95206
ZIP Code 95206
Phone (503) 730-0079
Categories Furniture - Designers & Custom Builders
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