Santa Rosa Mortuary/Eggen & Lance Chapel

About Santa Rosa Mortuary/Eggen & Lance Chapel provides professional funeral and cremation services. Specializing in Pre-Planning, Funeral and Post-Funeral rites, we walk families through the process of bereavement and life celebration. We offer quality selections of caskets or cremation urns and assure that your loved one's wishes are carried through to exact detail. We offer the respect and care deserved to commemorate someone's life. However you choose to reflect on the life of a loved one, be confident that Santa Rosa Mortuary/Eggen & Lance Chapel will help with all important decisions during the difficult period of grief. We will encourage healing from the loss of a loved one and assist with sharing their life with friends and family. Contact us at 707-545-3747.
1540 Mendocino Ave,
Santa Rosa,
CA, 95401
ZIP Code 95401
Phone (707) 545-3747
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