Simply Elegant By Diana

About Simply Elegant By Diana is a full-service event coordination and wedding planning company operating in San Pablo. As a team with over 9 years of event and design experience, Simply Elegant By Diana works with each new couple to create a well-planned event full of meaningful details. We believe that every wedding should be as unique and beautiful as our clients and their story. That's why we work closely with every couple to design a ceremony and atmosphere that's truly special. Let Simply Elegant By Diana take the stress away and plan your special day. From catering to decorations to flower arrangements, we do it all so that you can enjoy the moment. We make sure we make it a joyful experience for all in attendance. Call today at 5102606148 to plan your dream wedding.
San Pablo,
CA, 94806
ZIP Code 94806
Phone (510) 260-6148
Fax N/A
Categories Wedding - Consultants Planning & Arranging
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