Dr. Scott Denny, Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine

About Lose Weight, Feel Great
Medical Weight Loss Programs in Rancho Cucamonga, Hesperia, & Banning
The medical weight loss program at our clinic has been developed by doctors and nutritionists through hours of research and clinical experience and follows the protocols for American Society of Bariatric Physicians and the National Institute for Health. Our doctors believe in combining food choice, portion control, behavior modification and physical activity with proven FDA approved medications to suppress your appetite, give you energy and burn fat. Some of our most popular services and products include our medical HCG injections, Lipo-Plus solutions, appetite suppressants, and our lose 30 pounds in 30 days program!
7388 Carnelian St d,
Rancho Cucamonga,
CA, 91730
ZIP Code 91730
Phone (909) 945-9982
Fax N/A
Categories Acupuncture
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