About |
HouseCall MD is an internal medicine practice in the Pico-Robertson area of Los Angeles, California, specializing in meeting the health care needs of adults 65 and older. Putting patients’ health care needs above all else, Shahriar Jarchi, MD, and the team at HouseCall MD work together to provide the individualized care and education their patients need so they can take a more proactive role in their own health and well-being. HouseCall MD specializes in geriatric care, providing services that benefit the health needs of the aging population, including capacity assessments, home diagnostics and therapy, and palliative and hospice care. Through their concierge services, the team provides care for their patients in their homes, at a facility, or in the hospital. The practice also offers post-discharge management, providing attentive care for their patients when transitioning from one care setting to another. HouseCall MD also offers a hospital at home service, providing acute care services, such as blood draws and intravenous antibiotics, in the comfort of their patients’ homes. The HouseCall MD providers have a reputation for educating their patients in an easy-to-understand manner. This helps patients gain a better understanding of their health problems and use those concepts to pursue their medical care objectives. Working together, the team at HouseCall MD helps solve challenging problems to best serve their patients. No single care plan works for all. At HouseCall MD, providers give each patient their undivided attention, from planning to execution to follow-up. The team brings patients the care they need. For patient-centered geriatric care, call HouseCall MD or schedule a consultation online today. |
Address |
914 South Robertson Blvd, Los Angeles, CA, 90035 USA |
ZIP Code | 90035 |
Phone | (626) 209-8601 |
Fax | (866) 931-3134 |
Categories |
Physicians & Surgeons
Website | https://www.housecallmd.com |
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