Monica Hershaft-Holistic Health and Nutrition

About $100 off expires Monday September 7th! Use code 100DISC when you book the appointment online. We help people with chronic mystery symptoms get their health back by providing a personalized health program including nutrition guidelines and clinical grade supplementation for your unique body because no two bodies are alike. Get your health back and keep it with a nutrition and supplement program that includes regular monitoring to ensure your body is improving week by week. Treat the underlying source of what's causing the imbalance INSTEAD of trying to squash the symptom with a band-aid that won't last. Whether it's thyroid, hormone imbalance, fibromyalgia, gut issues or you have no idea but just want to feel better, we can help. Schedule your consult exam and body analysis today to find out more!
12304 Santa Monica Blvd,
Los Angeles,
CA, 90025
ZIP Code 90025
Phone (323) 977-8266
Fax N/A
Categories Holistic Practitioners
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