Best Pain Care Centers

About Best Pain Care Centers specializes in reducing chronic pain by utilizing revolutionary medical treatments, now proven to help people worldwide. If you have chronic pain in your head, neck, back, hands, or feet, there is hope! If your feet and legs burn, itch, fall asleep, and hurt like there’s no tomorrow, yes, there is hope! Imagine experiencing pure relief! No drugs and no side effects. Right now, here in the desert, you can experience results for yourself! FDA-cleared and fully covered by Medicare and PPO insurance in most cases. It's time for you to contact us, Best Pain Care Centers, a medical practice of excellence specializing in bringing back the joy in your life.
45210 Club Dr,
Indian Wells,
CA, 92210
ZIP Code 92210
Phone (760) 565-6700
Fax N/A
Categories Health & Medical - Clinics & Medical Centers
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