Blueprint Service Company

About Blueprint Service Company has been serving your reproduction needs from Bakersfield to all of California since 1955. Our experienced team can answer your technical questions, scheduling difficulties & provide accurate quotes. Our services include: Large Format Reproduction Copying & Color Copying: using format printers & high speed copiers Plotting: AutoCAD, DXF, HPGL, PDF, Tiff, Jpeg, & other formats. Scanning: single or multi page pdf tiff or Jpeg documents and photographs to CD, DVD, Thumb Drive, FTP or email. Laminating Mounting Banners Supplies for all including Engineering & Drafting supplies Topo Relief Maps, 7 minute maps hard or soft copy CDs from National Geographic. Pick Up & Delivery or ship UPS and FedEx.
1100 18th Street,
CA, 93301
ZIP Code 93301
Phone (661) 327-2501
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Categories Printing - Consultants
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