Hilton Garden Inn Arcadia/Pasadena Area

About The Hilton Garden Inn Arcadia/Pasadena hotel is conveniently located in the Pasadena area near the Rose Bowl and Santa Anita Race Track. At the Hilton Garden Inn Arcadia/Pasadena hotel in Arcadia, California, you will find everything you need from our friendly service and deluxe accommodations designed to address the needs of today's travelers. Nearby business offices of Avon, Earthlink, Jet Propulsion Labs, Vons/Safeway, City of Hope, and Miller Brewing are among those of many others corporations in the area. You will experience the relaxed atmosphere that awaits our hotel guests.
199 North Second Avenue,
CA, 91006
ZIP Code 91006
Phone (626) 574-6900
Fax N/A
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